Seminars and lab

The first itinerary in the Barcelona Study Programme of A DESK*2012-2013, Emergent Cultures, incorporates a group of seminar sessions in which different agents have been invited to tackle, from very diverse positions, the question of research into and production of cultural innovation. In this way the role that research has in relation to the different processes linked to artistic processes and mediation, will be observed, and at the same time debated, with the provision of tools relating to different paradigms such as; ethnomethodology, cultural sociology, qualitative research, artistic research and collaborative research.
In the laboratory sessions different dynamics will be proposed for the analysis of cultural environments and participants will be invited to develop processes of investigation, which can be continued in the following itineraries of the Barcelona Study Programme of A*DESK, while also being publicly presented in different formats, in relation to the digital platform and the actual A*DESK space in Barcelona. In line with this, the process will benefit from the tutoring of different agents linked to A*DESK.
Seminar Programme:
12 .12. 2012: Octavi Rofes. Anthropologist. Lecturer in Art, Design and Society, and the Design of Elements of Identity, on the Design Degree, at Eina.
13.12. 2012: Andrés Hispano. Audio-visual producer, curator, artist. Soy cámara. (I’m a Camera) Television programme of the CCCB.
18. 12. 2012: Manuel Segade. Art historian and curator of exhibitions. La qüestió del paradigma. Genealogies de l’Emergència en l’Art Contemporani a Catalunya (The paradigm question. Genealogies of Emergence in Contemporary Art in Catalonia).
19. 12. 2012: Tere Badia. Researcher specialised in cultural policies, network theory and innovative processes. Director of Hangar.
09.01.2013: Oriol Vilanova. Visual artist and architect.
10.01.2013: Cristian Añó. Sinapsis. Research into cultural mediation. Cultural mediation programme at the Centro de Arte in Tarragona and the Espai Baumanlab in Terrassa.
15.01.2013: Mery Cuesta. Art critic and exhibition curator.
Practical sessions led by Oriol Fontdevila.
Tutorials given by Montse Badia, Pilar Bonet, David G. Torres and Antonio Ortega.
Dates: 26.11.2012; 04.12.2012; 20.12.2012; 08.01.2012; 16.01.2012; 17.01.2012; 29.01.2012; 30.01.2012; 31.01.2012
Price for seminars and laboratory: 510 €.
Please consult the different itineraries within the Barcelona Study Programme of A*DESK 2012-2013 to obtain discounts.
The Seminars and laboratory: Tools for cultural analysis and artistic research forms part of the Barcelona Study Programme of A*DESK 2012-2013, that aims to establish an environment for continuous learning, for students and professionals, where questions relating to contemporary creation, cultural mediation –curating and education – and artistic research are reconsidered. The programme extends through until June 2013 and includes the realization of seminars, laboratories and workshops delivered by recognised professionals within different creative fields.
For more information, to reserve a place or matriculate, write to
Image: Enric Farrés y Quim Packard, “Grau d’Assistent d’artista professional”. 2011.