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A*DESK has been offering since 2002 contents about criticism and contemporary art. A*DESK has become consolidated thanks to all those who have believed in the project, all those who have followed us, debating, participating and collaborating. Many people have collaborated with A*DESK, and continue to do so. Their efforts, knowledge and belief in the project are what make it grow internationally. At A*DESK we have also generated work for over one hundred professionals in culture, from small collaborations with reviews and classes, to more prolonged and intense collaborations.
At A*DESK we believe in the need for free and universal access to culture and knowledge. We want to carry on being independent, remaining open to more ideas and opinions. If you believe in A*DESK, we need your backing to be able to continue. You can now participate in the project by supporting it. You can choose how much you want to contribute to the project.
You can decide how much you want to bring to the project.
Estela Ortiz (Terrassa, 1988) graduated in Political Science and holds a degree in Art from the Escola Massana. She is a cultural analyst and communicator, especially in the field of digital culture. She has published an essay on identities on Tinder with Nuria Gómez Gabriel (Love me, Tinder, 2019 ed. Temas de Hoy). She currently has a daily section on ‘Els Experts’ on where she talks about feminism, current affairs and culture, and directs ‘Sabor a WIFI’, a podcast about millennial and Z culture. On her YouTube channel she does video essays analysing cultural phenomena as diverse as Shrek, Pepe the frog or cryptobros.
"A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world" (John Le Carré)