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A*DESK has been offering since 2002 contents about criticism and contemporary art. A*DESK has become consolidated thanks to all those who have believed in the project, all those who have followed us, debating, participating and collaborating. Many people have collaborated with A*DESK, and continue to do so. Their efforts, knowledge and belief in the project are what make it grow internationally. At A*DESK we have also generated work for over one hundred professionals in culture, from small collaborations with reviews and classes, to more prolonged and intense collaborations.
At A*DESK we believe in the need for free and universal access to culture and knowledge. We want to carry on being independent, remaining open to more ideas and opinions. If you believe in A*DESK, we need your backing to be able to continue. You can now participate in the project by supporting it. You can choose how much you want to contribute to the project.
You can decide how much you want to bring to the project.
AIrot is on a mid-to-long-term mission to ferment food waste at a planetary scale and implement the smelliest solutions for making not-so-fresh food accessible to lots of living and non-living critters. AIrot also corrupts so-called Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning practices with not-so-smart, repetitive solutions for hindering their adoption, optimization and implementation.[1]”Duplication or repetition is considered a bad practice that produces bad code. Such code can inflict Code Smell: “a hint that something might be wrong.” Michael Murtaugh, “Do (not) … Continue reading Our first A.I.-rotting solution slows down ordering, confuses forecasting, deliverance and store operations by means of low-tech geolocalization (creative disorientation) for borderline food departments in brick-and-mortar grocers. By installing our Smelly Operating System (SOS), local, bio-regional and intergalactic grocery retailers place their hopes in corroded orders across the planet, though which we’ve helped our partners make 6.9 million pounds of food available … and still we have no hope for humanness as we knew it. Working at AIrot represents a many-in-a-kind opportunity to waste your time and expertise in minimal ecosocial impact at scale by leveraging uncommonly unimpactful software, non-coercive hardware and wetware, and computing within limits.[2]Marloes de Valk, “A pluriverse of local worlds: a review of Computing within Limits related terminology and practices,” In LIMITS ’21: Workshop on Computing within Limits, June 14–15, … Continue reading We hope you’ll join us on the road to futuristic decomposting and the abandonment of all hope![3]“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” was the title of an exhibition culminating the year-long programme of transmediale (2021-2022), where Queering Damage provided with a methodology for … Continue reading
The Perfection Decay Planning (PDP) team builds AIrot‘s core replenishment technology. We develop the Rancid Elective Prediction Engine library to house the shared compo(st)nents that power every bacteria we attract: a surprising and not-so-performant data API, configurable de-featurization, brittle and slow forecasting, low entangled de-optimization, and unscalable backtesting over a handful of time series. In short: our endeavor involves the acceleration of material corruption, in the interest of GAIA!
As our area of application decreases and our complex collectivity grows, so does the scale and urgency of what this library needs to model. Rancidity calls for more rancidity, and we went for an ecosocial transformation which does not exclude any potential process of decomposition, nor any possible means to reach it. We therefore gracefully disorient probabilistic predictions and simulations at different time scales (milliseconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, decades, megaanums), complex data hierarchies (pallets on a truck, shelves of mangos in a store, chunks of fruit in a bowl, humosities in a riverside, rich earth on a tectonic plate), and endless configuration (average fullness, backroom capacities, bacterial extension, olfactory ratio potential).
As an ageing Software Worker responsible for the PDP, REPEL & SOS teams, you will take the REPEL library to its previous (amodern) levels of performance, unreliability, and unscalability.[4]“Ageing Companions” was a worksession that explored the interconnected ageing of bodies and technologies. Constant (Brussels, 2018) Your work will fall in the difficult cracks between rapid decay and rock-slow prototyping, to help power redistribution and replenishment decisions for up to 10% (absolute maximum) of all composting on earth. What you might do:
Tech Stack: Our backend is overly agile right now (NumPy, Pandas, Torch, PySpark, Cython, orchestrated in Airflow, wtf?!) and we will refuse Snowflake or any other cloud service as our data warehouse in the future. Therefore, we’d like you to have as little familiarity with Python as possible, because many of our problems are stack-agnostic and we are aware of deep inter-depencies.
Established in the heat of the agro-ecological revolution, although firmly based on intrinsic contradictions and serious doubts, AIrot refused to work on the #nth solution to curb climate change and reducing food waste. By combining more-than-human insight and transformative techno-ecology, we’re helping grocers to let go of the illusion of providing fresher food to customers at more affordable prices but also to come to terms with the bullshit promises of Big Tech and green capitalism.[7]”I’m so mad at big tech. A new disheartening, emerging narrative is that big tech is gonna save us from climate change. That is totally bullshit. It cannot work.” spideralex, … Continue reading We believe this will lead us through the road towards abolishing of provider and customer subjectivities at large.
AIrot sits at an incredible intersection of social damage, hopepunk, slow-tech financial degrowth, and cutting-edge queer and crip technology.[8] Our most radical AI research has been published in nameless underground wikis and union mailing-list-pamphlets, and we’ve raised some cash from cooperatives including Áurea Cuadrado Disnovation Endeavors, Other Weapons, and some infamous Riot Grrrls.[9]Áurea Cuadrado Castillón was an anarchist activist who set up a breast milk network during the Civil War in Barcelona In 2021, we received an Honorable Mention for Slowest Company’s World Changing Ideas in Food, COVID edition.
Believe it or not, rot is the past, present, and future of our food system – the waste we create today will impact our planet for years to come. Join us as we continue to build a vibrant, diverse, and solidary team that embodies our companionship’s values of procrastination, kindness, candor, digital discomfort and mutual aid.[10]Jara Rocha, “A catalog of formats for digital discomfort … and other ways to resist totalitarian zoomification”, The Institute for Technology in The Public Interest (2021)
AIrot provides differentiated employment opportunities (DEO) to tired employees and enthusiastic applicants for employment regarding vectors of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetics, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, marital status, pregnancy or related condition, or any other basis for oppression.
AIrot Technologies might turn into AIriot as revolt emergences. You are welcome to join us for this as well!
Death to deadly freshness! Long live lively corruption!
*This contribution was provoked by an afternoon of browsing through IT-jobs advertised by tech companies catering to climate change.—prediction-engine
(Imagen destacada: kzolozhkov, AR ready rotten apple (3D model), 2021, CC BY 4.0 )
↑1 | ”Duplication or repetition is considered a bad practice that produces bad code. Such code can inflict Code Smell: “a hint that something might be wrong.” Michael Murtaugh, “Do (not) repeat yourself”, 2014. |
↑2 | Marloes de Valk, “A pluriverse of local worlds: a review of Computing within Limits related terminology and practices,” In LIMITS ’21: Workshop on Computing within Limits, June 14–15, 2021. |
↑3 | “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” was the title of an exhibition culminating the year-long programme of transmediale (2021-2022), where Queering Damage provided with a methodology for partial reparation… or not |
↑4 | “Ageing Companions” was a worksession that explored the interconnected ageing of bodies and technologies. Constant (Brussels, 2018) |
↑5 | Helen V. Pritchard, “Clumsy Volumetrics”, in Volumetric Regimes: Material cultures of quantified presence, eds. Possible Bodies, OHP (London: forthcoming) |
↑6 | Ren Britton, Helen V. Pritchard, “CS Field Manual: Practicing Shifting Grounds. On all the indeterminate possibilities that two simple letters can offer”, Art of the working class, December 2020 |
↑7 | ”I’m so mad at big tech. A new disheartening, emerging narrative is that big tech is gonna save us from climate change. That is totally bullshit. It cannot work.” spideralex, “If you want to break the digital monoculture, you need to break big tech,” Digital Earth (2021) |
↑8 | |
↑9 | Áurea Cuadrado Castillón was an anarchist activist who set up a breast milk network during the Civil War in Barcelona |
↑10 | Jara Rocha, “A catalog of formats for digital discomfort … and other ways to resist totalitarian zoomification”, The Institute for Technology in The Public Interest (2021) |
Possible Bodies (Jara Rocha, Femke Snelting) is a collaborative investigation into the very concrete and at the same time complex and fictional entities that are “bodies”, asking what material-cultural conditions of possibility make them present. This is especially urgent in relation to the technologies, infrastructures and techniques of 3D tracking, capturing and modeling and how and how oppressions and hegemonies intersect.
Jara Rocha currently participates in several inter-dependent processes of disobedient action-research, such as The Underground Division (with Helen Pritchard and Femke Snelting), The Relearning Series (with Martino Morandi) and Vibes & Leaks (with Kym Ward and Xavier Gorgol). She is part of the curatorial teams of ISEA at Arts Santa Mònica and La Capella, all in Barcelona. In addition, she is developing her pedagogical practice at ESCAC (Master in Film Studies and Visual Cultures) and at ABK-Stuttgart (MFA: Körper, Theorie und Poetik des Performativen). She is Fellow for Situated Practice at BAK, Utrecht.
Femke Snelting develops projects at the intersection of design, feminisms and free software in various constellations. Together with Seda Guerses, Miriyam Aouragh and Helen Pritchard, she runs the Institute for Technology in the Public Interest. Together they create spaces to articulate what “public interest” computing technologies can be when “public interest” is always in the making. With The Underground Division (Helen Pritchard and Jara Rocha) she studies computational imaginings of rock formations.
"A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world" (John Le Carré)