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Tidal grids


07 October 2024
This month's topic: Water WoundsResident Editor: Carlos Monleón

Tidal grids

On the internal unrest of matter

“I accept my dissolution in the burning plasma of matter. And the rest is turbulence.
The eternal silence of this infinite spaces soothes me.”
Michel Serres[1]Serres, Michel. The Birth of Physics (Manchester: Clinamen Press, 2000), 38.

What it might be.

A plasmatic presence surrounds us. Its viscous density spreads around surfaces, resuming the circle of aquatic evasiveness. Its horizon is uncertain: this mass extends beyond territories seen, bounding vapors and matter with a persistent continuity. Its surface has a mirrored quality, which conveys it with an intensified mist, merging its possible outline with the ever-expanding horizon, and thus omitting the deep secrecies submersed under it.

Concealing its presence, this plasmatic phantom allows the emergence of a deep abyss of absolute transmutability: it defines precise territories, erasing others, and encircles islands, absorbing then many others. It is both molecular and continuum, form and dissolution. Beyond the constraints of heliocentric certainty, this viscous matter seems to announce the presence of some other source, yet unknown.


It moves.

With unraveled direction, this incognito mass reverberates infinitely under a constant rhythm. Its dark viscosity flows continuously, pulsating through the earthly night, moving forward, incessantly. Its crystalline constitution gives it a unique harmonic frequency, an eternal drone, that balms the solid outlines of that which it encircles. Restless, the resonating presence of this viscous mass marks a tempo, casting an hypnotic spell upon those who dare to listen, inciting in them an unstable urge for beyondness.

Its surface is electrified by a secret drive – an ongoing signal that pulsates through fluidity, ever-transgressing in continuous fluctuation across planetary time, drifting in a geosynchronous beat that expresses infinity.

Provided with tidal behavior, this pulsating mass seems to announce the imminence of the earth-core, through the echoing frequencies of an unrecognized tempo, it rises as a cosmological remark.


Its presence is charged.

Static and yet in motion, seldom evaporating into something else, this element has an intriguing outline which dissolves and shapes itself again, ever transfiguring its presence into something other. Filtered through evaporation and subsequent condensation, it trespasses all matter affecting it in ghostly manners, both ineffable and catastrophic. This mass flows constantly with a secret urge. Its pulse triggers an immeasurable field into infinite motion, transubstantiating elements into new formations, transforming all that surrounds it.

Its presence is highly charged, a viscous ever-adapting surface that is polarized in crystalline ways. It is a living membrane in constant trepidation, rippling hypnotically, with no assured origin. A membrane which emanates, permanently, with a pulse similar to the alternating voltage of electrical current, re-actualizing its currency continuously, implying a presentness, a sense continuity, of kinetic potentiality. It is nor centralized, nor disperse, but intermittently intertwined and plurally generated. The subtle vibration of this matter never fades, for even on its most distant corners.

This entity is magnetic: It is a plasmatic remain of interstellar provenience, a fluid substance governed by the unearthly. It is both ground and ungroundedness, both palpable and vanishing vapor. It is charged with untamed energy, it is an interlude for catharsis, a kinetic source of eternity. It is a call from the universe, a reprised form of becoming, rhythmic tumult made visible. This membrane manifests the possibility of transubstantiation – inviting matter to its own dissolution, and the destiny of its own transformation. It is a manifest of cosmological connectedness, a proof of vital energy, a sprout of eternal mutability.

Matter is in permanent unrest. Everything is in a continuous flow, solving through ever-expanding edgeless space, interlacing continuously, under the rules of collision and transformation. Universal conductivity is enabled by the impact of omnipresent inner orbits, gravitational sentences intermitted by randomness and the degeneration of forms. Matter is in permanent unrest. It accelerates, reaches states of chaotic entropy, and permanently mutates. All mattering states are embedded in continuous circuitry. There is no sense of possible closure, nor stasis.

Elements are triggered in motion according to the inherent rhythms of cyclicality and reverberation. The continuity of these events is assured, just as the polarity of day and night is implied by heliocentric influence. Spheres collide and combust, in accordance with unknown states of impact. Magnetic confluence is bound all over.

Things are in a permanent state of compromised effect. Transversally, this plasmatic currency, that delivers itself through the randomness of form, is but a symptomatic proof of elemental conductivity. A proof of a transubstantiating potency that generates ever-new colliding entities in eternal motion.


Possibilities beyond entropy.

Apparently immune to most events, this plasmatic mass resides in space-time with a unifying consistency.

Uncertainty has its own flow. It reverberates through space as a kinetic whisper, flowing over surfaces, alluring matter, and making it tremble, under the regime of permanent mutation.

The uncanny vastness of the ocean disarms certainties with its mirroring surface. It reminds us that any state of immutable solidity must be doubted, for any indifferent existence is but a potential trigger of all-encompassing possibilities, a kinetic source of high transformative potential, a vector that has yet to find its propulsion towards infinity.

It is the resonating element bridging the void and the unknown, the undistinguished trace of celestial trepidation, the unfolded becoming of something new.

But what if the ever-transubstantiating possibilities of excessive entropy could drive us to a yet unknown state of pure potentiality?

The unrest of matter is its never-ending possibility for transubstantiation, and its radical pre-disposition to become the unknown.


The time for openness has arrived.[2]Ibid, 68.

(Featured image: generated by the editor using Karl Sims’ Reaction-Difussion virtual chemical reaction simulator.)


1 Serres, Michel. The Birth of Physics (Manchester: Clinamen Press, 2000), 38.
2 Ibid, 68.

Margarida Mendes is a researcher, curator, and educator, exploring the overlap between systems thinking, experimental film, sound practices and ecopedagogy. She creates transdisciplinary forums, exhibitions and experiential works where alternative modes of education and sensory practices may catalyse political imagination and restorative action. Mendes has long been involved in anti-extraction activism collaborating with marine NGOs, Universities, and institutions of the art world. She holds a PhD in Research Architecture by the Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths University of London and is a member of Natural Contract Lab, a transdisciplinary collective of lawyers and artists working on restorative justice and rights of nature across Europe.
Photo: Vera Marmelo

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