A*STUDY 2011-2012

A*STUDY is a study program aimed as an introduction to, and for professional development within the field of contemporary art. The second edition of A*STUDY will take place in Barcelona, from November 2011 to June 2012, at the central office of A*DESK
A*STUDY is a study program, aimed as an introduction to, and for professional development within, the field of contemporary art:
A space to work everyday.
A meeting place for discussion
A portal to the reality of contemporary art.
In A*STUDY we want to develop real projects. A*DESK can be instrumental in bringing them to fruition:
Contact and hands-on experience of the reality of contemporary art, and the figures that influence it (artists, critics, curators, gallerists, cultural coordinators of institutions and publishers…)
The place to discuss, develop and realize your projects. The possibility to work with a small and select group of students, ensuring personalised attention and constant feedback
Places to publish, with a network of collaborators, experts, as well as links with other institutions and spaces where projects can be developed.
The objectives of A*STUDY are:
To generate, first hand theoretical and practical knowledge of the reality of contemporary art.
To study in depth specific aspects of the critique of art, curating and the coordination of projects.
To introduce new agents into the professional art world.
To stimulate the creation of active generational contexts in contemporary art and culture.
A*STUDY is aimed at: undergraduates, graduates and individuals in general who are interested in developing projects and entering into the practice of contemporary art and who want to participate in a project exploring critical thought and contemporary art.
A*STUDY includes:
A workspace, in the central office of A*DESK in Barcelona, in which to develop projects on a daily basis, throughout the course
Daily monitoring of projects: texts, publications, lecture cycles, exhibitions, research proposals, collaborations and curatorial projects of distinct formats.
Effective coordination, throughout the learning process
Constant practice writing, reflecting upon and debating about contemporary art, tutored by A*DESK
Inscription in A*WORKSHOPS Workshops and seminars aimed at professionals and others active within contemporary art.
Work sessions with recognised figures from the world of contemporary art.
Visits to art spaces and encounters with different professionals.
The 2011-2012 edition will be coordinated by David Armengol. David Armengol combines his curatorial work with the cultural management of Sant Andreu Contemporani (Concurs d’Arts Visuals Premi Miquel Casablancas). He has curated a variety of projects that explore the condition of the artist and the role of the artist for/with society: Euforia. Casos de optimismo extremo (Euphoria. Cases of extreme optimism) in the Espai Montcada,Caixafòrum Barcelona (2007-2008); the cycle Obsessions. Exemples de redundància i persitència cíclica (Obsessions. Examples of redundancy and cyclical persistence) for L’Aparador at the Museu Joan Abelló de Mollet; La liberación cómica (The comic liberation) (2009) and La fábula mística (The mystic fable) (2011) in masART Gallery or La gesta imposible (The impossible gesture) at Matadero Madrid (2010). Currently he is preparing Perplexitat (Perplexity), a cycle of exhibitions for the Espai 13 at the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona.
Intensive periods of study, of more or less a week, that examine in depth a specific aspect of art criticism.
WORK SESSIONS: Morning sessions that enable first hand contact with professionals working at the forefront of contemporary art. In the previous edition participants included: Alex Brahim (exhibition curator) / Alex Gifreu (graphic designer) / Antonio Ortega (artist) / Carles Guerra (at the time, director of La Virreina Centre de la Imatge) / Cecilia Martín (artist and specialist in Branding) / David Bestué & Marc Vives (artists) / David Santaeularia (director of Espai Zer01, Olot) / Dora García (artist) / Eduardo Pérez-Soler (art critic) / Frederic Montornés (art critic and exhibition curator) / Gloria Picazo (director of Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida) / Ignasi Aballí (artist) / Joan Morey (artist) / Julia Montilla (artist) / Lars Bang Larsen (exhibition curator) / Latitudes (curators) / Laurence Rassel (project director at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies) / Mai Abu ElDahab (Director of the contemporary art centre, Objectif in Antwerp) / Marcela Römer (Director of the Museo de Arte de Rosario) / Mery Cuesta (art critic and exhibition curator) / Pilar Bonet (Art critic and lecturer at the Universidad de Barcelona) / Rafel G. Bianchi (artist) / Tere Recarens (artist)
VISITS AND ENCOUNTERS: Arts Santa Mònica / Bolit. Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona / Can Felipa / Can Xalant, Centre de Creació d’Arts visuals i Pensament Contemporani, Mataró / CCCB / Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida / Fundació Antoni Tàpies / Fundación Joan Miró / Galleries in Barcelona (Galería ProjecteSD, Galería Nogueras/Blanchard, Galería Estrany de la Mota, Galería Toni Tàpies, Galería ADN, Galería Carles Taché, Galería Senda, Galería dels Àngels…) / HANGAR / La Virreina. Centre de la Imatge / MACBA / Sant Andreu Contemporani / …
Where and when? A*STUDY will take place from 25 October 2011 to 15 June 2012 in Barcelona, everyday in the central office of A*DESK, Calle Josep Torres 11 (Gràcia district).
The matriculation fee, to participate in A*STUDY, is 3.150 €, payable in two instalments (2,000 in October and 1,150 in December 2011)
For more information please contact us at contact@a-desk.org or call +34 656829637
A*STUDY aims to create a small close-knit study group. There will be a selection process to select the participants. If interested in participating in A*STUDY, please send a short curriculum and a letter of motivation to contact@a-desk.org and we will call you for a personal interview.