A*LIVE ARCO. 35 years of art scene in Spain

How have the ways we do and we think about art changed in the last 35 years? What tasks shall an art fair in the XXI century meet? Are galleries relocating to the same speed as other agents in the art field? And institutions? How are collectors getting involved in all these changes? How has the role of the artist changed within these years? Are fairs and galleries becoming one of the few working platforms left for independent/multidependientes curators? We are living in a time of redefinition of art, culture, of the economic system we know and the world. It is now moment, for all of us, to rethink ourselves. These are some of the questions to be discussed in this series of crossed interviews on a TV format we call A*LIVE ARCO.
Taking part: Juan Canela, Elba Benítez, Estefanía Meana, Fernando Meana, Luis Francisco Pérez, Miguel Ángel Sánchez, Pep Vidal and Rodríguez-Méndez.
Moderated by: David Armengol, Montse Badia, Angel Calvo Ulloa and Marina Vives
Saturday, February 27 Time: 6pm to 8pm Venue: Sala Presentaciones. Hall 7.