Open call for creative projects: Turn it again, Sam!

Open call for creative projects to participate in the final exhibition of the A*Desk 2012-2013 Study programme, by way of a space for reflection and production, that revolves around education and professionalization in art today.
First there was the linguistic twist, then the discursive twist, and afterwards the visual, narrative and cultural twist, then there was the durational turn, a text by Irit Rogoff called ‘Turning’, and then Paul O’Neil, followed by the educational pivot in curating and finally, we are moulding yet another revolution at A*Desk in an endeavour to bring to a conclusion this year of studies where everything is turning.
The study programme at A*Desk presents an open call for creative projects, directed at artists and cultural producers who have an interest in reflecting upon education and the professionalization of art in the current context. With this in mind, the students of the programme are offering a space of reflection in which to share some of the proposals that have been developed during the course and from there, to produce new projects.
The process will begin with a workshop, two consecutive working afternoon sessions at A*Desk in which questions relative to education in art and the implications of the professionalization of this field will be reflected upon. The intention is to generate a framework for the creation of projects that the participants propose, through questions such as: What is an art school? What should it be like? What does it mean to be a professional in the field of art?
In this way a space for dynamic and open working will be created that will serve to share, debate and propose new ideas and strategies. Solutions will also be considered for the presentation of the projects in the A*Desk space and the necessary resources will be provided for the realization of these projects.
The projects developed in this working space will form part of the exhibition and programme of events that will be realized at the conclusion, of the 2012-2013 programme of studies.
To enrol please send an email to before Friday 24 May, explaining in a few short lines your reasons for wanting to participate.
You are all invited; we’ll see you very soon in TURN IT AGAIN, SAM!
Dates of the workshop: 29 & 30 May
Limited places
Time: 16.00 – 20.00
Place: A*Desk. C/ de Josep Torres, 11
Turn It Again, Sam! is a proposal within the A*desk Study programme. The group is made up of: Laura Aixalà, Caterina Almirall, Alba Benavent, Mirari Echávarri, Lorea Palacios, Lucía Piedra, Isaac Sanjuan y Juan Martín Rico. Coordinator: Oriol Fontdevila.