Itinerary 3: Do, undo, redo

How does art produce reality? To what extent does the praxis of art intervene in the articulation of social conventions and to what extent is it capable of transforming it?
The notions of “performativity” and “narrativity” currently articulate a series of discourses that situate language and symbolic interactions as central aspects within the production of reality. According to this point of view, the construction of societies and identities can be described as being the fruit of a series of specific cultural processes, with artistic practice also being implicated within this framework.
With the third itinerary in the A*DESK study programme we focus on how audio-visual productions, theatre, texts and exhibitions, affect the construction of how we see and experience the world; while placing a special emphasis on the analysis of the processes explored within contemporary art praxis aimed at altering prefixed cultural norms.
The itinerary is made up of a programme of 10 seminars with invited agents, 2 workshops and 13 laboratory sessions for the development of tutored projects. Aside from the option of participating in whole itinerary, there is also the possibility of carrying out each one of the individual workshops, the seminar programme and the laboratory sessions.
Dates: 16 April – 20 June 2013
Timetable: from 16.00 to 20.00.
Includes: 10 seminars; 13 laboratory sessions; 2 workshops.
16.04.2013. Presentation of the itinerary. Oriol Fontdevila. Art critic and curator. Coordinator of the study programme at A*DESK.
17.04.2013. David G. Torres. Art critic and exhibition curator.
18.04.2013. Judit Vidiella. Lecturer and researcher in the department of Art Education at the University of Barcelona. Member of the performance collective, Corpus Delicti.
07.05.2013. Oscar Abril Ascaso. Cultural producer, sound artist, curator and coordinator of new formats at L’Estruch, Live Arts Factory.
09.05.2013. Roger Bernat. Theatre director.
14.05.2013. Visit to L’Estruch, Live Arts Factory, with Oscar Abril Ascaso.
16.05.2013. María Ruido. Artist, video producer, cultural researcher and producer.
21.05.2013. Quim Pujol. Performer. Co-curator of Secció Irregular, Mercat de les Flors.
22.05.2013. Martí Manen. Independent curator.
23.05.2013. Carles Guerra. Visual artist, art critic and exhibition curator. Head of exhibitions at MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani in Barcelona.
The radical in the social and the experimental in the artistic
Workshop with Dora García
From Tuesday, 23 April to Thursday, 25 April. From 15.00 to 20.00.
Front and back. four works.
Workshop with Asier Mendizabal
From Monday 3 June to Thursday 6 June. From 16.00 to 20.00.
Practical sessions led by Oriol Fontdevila.
Tutorials, with Montse Badia, Pilar Bonet, David G. Torres and Antonio Ortega.
Dates: 30.04.2013 / 02.05.2013 / 08.05.2013 / 15.05.2013 / 28.05.2013 / 29.05.2013 / 30.05.2013 / 11.06.2013 / 12.06.2013 / 13.06.2013 / 18.06.2013 / 19.06.2013 / 20.06.2013.
Price of itinerary: 780 €.
Price of seminar programme and laboratory: 510 €.
Price of 2 workshops: 300 €
Price of 1 workshop: 170 €
For discounts consult the different itineraries within the A*DESK 2012-2013 Study Programme in Barcelona.
For more information, reservations and matriculations, write to
Image: Dan Graham, “Present Continuous Past(s)”. 1974.