
7 – 25 June 2011
A*TABLE is an exhibition proposal from members of A*STUDY, a programme of advanced studies in contemporary art organised by A*DESK and taught by David Armengol. A*TABLE remains faithful to the space that characterises it, the table, that has been the place of daily meetings, for debate and exchange. A*TABLE subverts the standard use of the table converting it into a unique space for learning, for discussion and exhibiting and has two main objectives. On the one hand, to explore the different positions that define current artistic practices: the condition of the artist, the role of the curator, the context for action…and on the other, to consider these practices from the actual experience of its public presentation.
A*TABLE proposes to investigate new forms of presenting and exhibiting projects. It takes as its premise a basic structure (both formally and economically), that establishes a need to question patterns of consumption, forms of presenting and articulating discourses, and above all, an opportunity to experiment with sustainable ways of developing ideas in art and culture.
For more information: [http://www.a-desk.org/spip/spip.php?article1105