Projects and education
In addition to its publications, A*DESK develops different training programs from Barcelona with the aim of deepening the tools of thinking in contemporary art and culture. It also develops projects in different areas: from the exploration of lines of communication in art to the rethinking of exhibition and presentation formats, through advice or historiographic documentation.
20/06/13 → 20/06/2013 Et si on brûlait la Sorbonne?
GRADUATION PARTY FOR THE 2012-13 A*DESK STUDY PROGRAM Thursday 20 June 18.00 Average Grades. A conversation about education and professionalization in art 20h. Et si on brûlait la Sorbonne? Exhibition…
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07/06/13 → 07/06/2013 Presentación Biel Books: “Demagogia y propaganda”
La editorial Biel Books presenta el nuevo libro “Demagogia y propaganda en arte según Antonio Ortega”. El texto, cargado de anécdotas y mucha opinión personal, señala con vehemencia uno de…
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03/06/13 → 06/06/2013 Workshop with Asier Mendizabal
FRONT AND BACK. FOUR WORKS This encounter will endeavour to identify or refute as the symptoms of an era, some general standards in artistic practices that turn to historiography, narrativity…
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29/05/13 → 30/05/2013 Open call for creative projects: Turn it again, Sam!
TURN IT AGAIN, SAM! Open call for creative projects to participate in the final exhibition of the A*Desk 2012-2013 Study programme, by way of a space for reflection and production,…
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23/04/13 → 25/04/2013 Workshop with Dora García
THE RADICAL IN THE SOCIAL AND THE EXPERIMENTAL IN THE ARTISTIC Even thought the swing of the pendulum between heterodox and orthodox art, between art for art’s sake and engaged…
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16/04/13 → 20/06/2013 Itinerary 3: Do, undo, redo
PERFORMATIVITY AND NARRATIVITY IN CONTEMPORARY ART PRAXIS How does art produce reality? To what extent does the praxis of art intervene in the articulation of social conventions and to what…
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03/04/13 → 05/04/2013 Workshop with Paul O’Neill
WORKSHOP WITH PAUL O’NEILL Did Somebody Say Curating, Again? Recent Turns in Curatorial Practice From Wednesday the 3 to Friday the 5 April 2013. Freom 15 to 20h. This workshop…
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26/02/13 → 01/03/2013 Workshop con Javier Rodrigo y Aida Sánchez de Serdio
WORKSHOP WITH JAVIER RODRIGO AND AIDA SÁNCHEZ DE SERDIO Crossovers and frictions between curating and education From 26 February to 1 March 2013. From 16 to 20h. Workshop exploring the…
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