Projects and education
In addition to its publications, A*DESK develops different training programs from Barcelona with the aim of deepening the tools of thinking in contemporary art and culture. It also develops projects in different areas: from the exploration of lines of communication in art to the rethinking of exhibition and presentation formats, through advice or historiographic documentation.
25/02/14 → 28/02/2014 Workshop con Peio Aguirre
HACIA UN COMISARIADO CRÍTICO Workshop con Peio Aguirre 25, 26, 27, 28 de febrero de 2014. De 16 a 20 h. Lugar: sede de A*desk, Barcelona En la Documenta 5…
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19/02/14 → 12/03/2014 Curso de arte contemporáneo
CUESTIONES DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO Cuestiones de arte contemporáneo es un curso cuyo objetivo es proporcionar las claves necesarias para aproximarse al arte contemporáneo y que se impartirá en la sede…
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19/02/14 → 19/02/2014 Presentation of Mizora, de Anna Bunting-Branch
Mizora – A World of Women is a short science-fiction story, published anonymously by American author Mary E. Bradley Lane in 1881. The story of Vera, a Russian political exile,…
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28/01/14 → 02/03/2014 Itinerario 3: Frankenstein
HIBRIDACIÓN Y CRUCES ENTRE LOS PROCESOS DE CREACIÓN, COMISARIADO Y EDUCACIÓN El segundo itinerario del Programa de estudios de A*Desk 2013-2014, que lleva por título “Zombies, Frankestein and the Pink Panther”, parte…
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08/01/14 → 10/01/2014 Workshop with Tania Bruguera
ARTE ÚTIL Workshop with Tania Bruguera 8, 9, 10 January 2014. From 15:00 to 20:00 Place: Fundació Joan Miró – Espai Tallers Arte Útil is a research project that Tania…
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03/12/13 → 11/12/2013 Workshop con Octavi Rofes
PROYECTOS DE ARTE POR PROYECTOS. LA TEMPORALIDAD DEL PROCESO CREATIVO La noción de ” proyecto” se ha convertido en la unidad predominante que rige las actividades laborales, formativas y asociativas…
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29/10/13 → 23/01/2014 Itinerary 3: Zombies
LOOKING AT ARTISTIC RESEARCH, IMMATERIAL PRODUCTION AND TRANSMEDIA NARRATIVES The first itinerary of the A*Desk Study Programme 2013-2014, bears the title “Zombies, Frankenstein and the Pink Panther”. The programme aims…
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08/07/13 → 11/07/2013 Summer School
7 ROUTES. ART TODAY VIA THE CONTEXTS WHERE IT HAPPENS An exploration via 7 routes that traverse spaces in Barcelona, that form an introduction to contemporary art: the processes of…
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