Monographs about contemporary art and culture, current but not only.
Weekly publications on monthly topics. This section also includes historical monographs.
15/11/15 Stick your neck out for it
15/11/15 The writer is present
13/11/15 A conversation with Irit Rogoff: Where do we sit within all of this?
11/11/15 On time and spaces for criticism: an interview with Thijs Lijster
October -
26/10/15 Three Crossings
19/10/15 In El Palomar there are two pigeons
12/10/15 Istanbul of the others
Narratives, display and textuality
October -
05/10/15 Games for girls (and everybody else)
28/09/15 (Public) Forms of Collectivity: A conversation with Binna Choi
21/09/15 Reinforcing the community. Supercommunity and practices of reading around an art biennale