Monographs about contemporary art and culture, current but not only.
Weekly publications on monthly topics. This section also includes historical monographs.
06/10/14 Una modesta exposición
29/09/14 Se abre la temporada. Arte, aquí y ahora
22/09/14 Archive: “How to explain Catalunya…”
15/09/14 Bienal de Sao Paulo, políticamente incorrecto
08/09/14 La inquietud discordante y lúdica: Ajoblanco revisitado
01/09/14 Made in L.A. Hammer Museum, Los Angeles
25/08/14 Archive: Cédric Andrieux: learning to expose oneself
18/08/14 Archive: You know how you ought to feel
11/08/14 Archive: Satire and parody as critical strategies
04/08/14 Archive: Cupcakes
28/07/14 Releyendo a Marx (en modo actualización)
21/07/14 The measure of what is possible