Monographs about contemporary art and culture, current but not only.
Weekly publications on monthly topics. This section also includes historical monographs.
15/09/13 Facts and dates, or quite the contrary. National identity, symbols, Catalonia, Spain, contemporary art and way too many other things
15/09/13 When exhibitions become form
14/09/13 Dani Montlleó and anti-identity
13/09/13 Actitud Hannah Arendt: ¿pensar fumando?
12/09/13 The Arcade Fire: Reflejos humanos
11/09/13 Pasado pero no obsoleto
10/09/13 Anti-anti-catalanism
10/09/13 Station to Station: a nomadic public art project
09/09/13 Elisabet Sánchez: a cover-up for the future
08/09/13 Lo real y su representación: Sobre The Act of Killing
07/09/13 Feiko Beckers contra las vacaciones – en el Palais de Tokyo
06/09/13 Going to Finland to learn what a festival is