Monographs about contemporary art and culture, current but not only.
Weekly publications on monthly topics. This section also includes historical monographs.
16/11/20 Retraction [3/5]
09/11/20 Retraction [2/5]
02/11/20 Retraction [1/5]
At all times, every day of the week. Stimulants, hyperproductivity and insomnia in the 24/7 culture
October -
26/10/20 Contact us
19/10/20 Neither raw nor cooked
12/10/20 Stealing our Time
05/10/20 Stimulants: Circulation and Euphoria
Thesis and antithesis for the possibilities of fiction to come
September -
28/09/20 sunburns
21/09/20 Notes for a decalogue to intuit an institution of gestures/gestures that constitute institution
14/09/20 The Gruyère Tesis