Monographs about contemporary art and culture, current but not only.
Weekly publications on monthly topics. This section also includes historical monographs.
11/12/12 Asier Mendizabal: the moiré of the masses
10/12/12 Intravia, or how to become a wild boar
09/12/12 Mad Mina
08/12/12 First Aid
07/12/12 Three proposals in one day. Just bodies? Experimentation and dialogue
06/12/12 Divine obscenity
05/12/12 Islands of freedom
04/12/12 The performance that never was
03/12/12 The Family Fang and total(itarian) art
02/12/12 You know how you ought to feel
01/12/12 Crude. A Balea Negra at MARCO in Vigo
30/11/12 The poetics of the ordinary. Cinthia Marcelle at the Sprovieri Gallery in London