Monographs about contemporary art and culture, current but not only.
Weekly publications on monthly topics. This section also includes historical monographs.
The lake that disappears, the lake that emerges: “The return of the Lake” by Maria Thereza Alves
Dazzling the spectator: Kapoor in Berlin
The parts and the whole: policies of national representation
Los sonidos de la guerra. Tercer seminario Hirugarren Belarria en Arteleku
Facts and dates, or quite the contrary. National identity, symbols, Catalonia, Spain, contemporary art and way too many other things
When exhibitions become form
Dani Montlleó and anti-identity
Actitud Hannah Arendt: ¿pensar fumando?
The Arcade Fire: Reflejos humanos
Pasado pero no obsoleto
Station to Station: a nomadic public art project